Lachen verbindet auf Englisch- unsere Sammlung von englischen SMS- und WhatsApp-Sprüchen!
Bereit, deinen Chats einen humorvollen Touch zu verleihen? Unsere Sammlung von englischen SMS- und WhatsApp-Sprüchen bringt das Lachen direkt auf deinen Bildschirm. Hier findest du eine breite Auswahl an cleveren Sprüchen und humorvollen Nachrichten, die deinen Unterhaltungen eine verspielte Note verleihen.
Unsere englischen SMS- und WhatsApp-Sprüche eine perfekte Möglichkeit, den Tag von Freunden, Familie oder neuen Bekanntschaften aufzuhellen.
- A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accept you today the way you are!
- A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words!
- A love begins with a smile, continues with a kiss, and ends with tears!
- *uck is easy, *uck is funny, many people *uck for money, if you think that *uck is funny, *uck yourself and save your money.
- The day I will stop loving you, is the day when I close my eyes 4 ever.
- How can I say I love you, when I love you more,than words can say?
- I like the way you look at me, your eyes are full of mistery. No other place I want to be, baby you are my fantasy!
- I love you, you love me. Lofa ma zusammen, verlofa ma uns nie.
- I want to have you by my side, without you i can’t sleep at night, the only thing i want to do is to be in love with you.
- If I could look into your eyes, I would feel like in paradise …
- Love is hard to find, easy to lose and never to forget!
- Did you know they changed the alphabet? They put u and i together!
- Nobody can give me the song of my heart, but you can give me the beat.
- Don’t dream your life, live your dreams!
- Don’t drink and drive take dope and fly home.
- Don’t think that my heart ever can forget you. It can stop to beat but never to love you!
- Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect!
- Every day and every night, I have this feeling deep inside. I miss you more than I can say, I love you till the end of day.
- For the world you are someone but for someone you are the world.
- Hearts are like glass – be careful they can break!
- I am like a butterfly – pretty to see, hard to catch.
- I need two thinks, my teddy and you, my teddy for night and forever you.
- I need the sun, the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever!
- I ask God for a flower, he gave me a garden, I ask for a tree, he gave me a forest, I ask for a river, he gave me an ocean, I ask for love, he gave me YOU!
- If you want to be a Hippie, put a Flower on your Pipi.
- It takes a minute to crush someone, a hour to like someone and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone!
- Love beginns with a smile, it continues with a kiss and it ends with tears!
- Love is so difficult to find, so easy to lose, so hard to forget, but so wonderful to have!
- Love is like a kind of gold, it’s hard to find and hard to hold.
- Never forget me, forget me never, but when you forget me, forget me forever!
- Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remeber me.
- Two in a car – two liddle kisses – two weaks later – mister and misses!
- You can fall from the sky – you can fall from a tree – but the best way to fall – is to fall in love with me!
- You love me – You hate me – but you will never forget me!
- You never get a second chance to improve a first impression.
- Words begin with A,B,C – Numbers begin with 1,2,3 – Music begins with do, re, mi – and Love begins with you and me!
- Three seconds to say I love you, three hours to explain it, and a lifetime to prove it.